I mentioned in a post last week that my mom had been to Paris several years ago - she visited the Arc de Triomphe while she was there. As I stood under that amazing arc, I wasn’t struck by the size or the design or the purpose of its structure. Instead, I was struck by the fact that my mom had stood under it too - in all its glory - and I know she appreciated it on the exact same level that I was appreciating it that day.
As I prepared this blog post and searched for links to include in my text, I clicked on a link to this site and immediately noticed a link on the left that read, “Honoring the Brave.” How appropriate, I thought, that Carrie and I left a strawberry at a place that honors courage. No, my mom wasn’t a hero in a political war, but she was a hero in her fight against ovarian cancer. Truly, my mom is one of the bravest women I’ve ever known.
So we left a strawberry for my mom at the Arc de Triomphe. Feeling extra sentimental, we called Doug from there, and also left a voice message for Papa Rod.
I know in my heart that my mom would be pleased.
What a special moment this must have been for you, I'm sure your mom was right there with you Deb :)
I have been enjoying all your posts from your trip, each of them beautiful with wonderful memories to last a lifetime :)
I love the photo of you on the phone - you look like a woman on a pilgrimage - and so appropriate at a place honouring the brave
The perfect place and beautiful words.
Beautiful deb!
I can imagine how emotional you must have felt, standing in her footsteps x
Great place to leave the strawberry. I like how the bright red color of the strawberry stands out against the concrete background.
It really was the perfect place to leave it.
So glad you were able to find a place to leave one there.
I have goosebumps reading this post, Deb.....your mom raised one beautiful person!!
Alison xx
She was indeed brave, as were you and Carrie, and the rest of your family. She would be more than pleased by your whole trip, and especially the idea of leaving the strawberries in her memory.
The cool factor with your project is over the top! I just love it.
You are very photogenic, by the way.
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