* Tie up your package and leave the ends of the tied yarn long 

* Loosely wind yarn around your hand. (In this case I used just three fingers because I wanted it to be a bit smaller.) For this one I wound around 15 times.

* Carefully slip the yarn off your fingers and position it on top of the loose ends on your package like this: 

* Tie the loose ends up and around, pulling tightly to secure the yarn loops.

* Trim the ends to the same length as the loops 

* Clip the loops and fluff the yarn to finish your pompom.


I've seen pompom makers that make tight, fluffy pompoms, but I like this method for a loose and slightly messy looking pom for gift toppers. I also like to use different types of yarn in other colors to add some interest like this one that I did for my friend's baby shower.
Such a GREAT idea! Thanks for sharing!
I can vouch for the fact that your packaging and presentation really help to make a gift special :-) Thanks for the step-by-step here x
Now that's a very cool idea.
You are the Queen of Valentine's little packages, aren't you? The ones yesterday (or sometime earlier this week with the monograms) were also adorable.
Love the idea of valentine's pompoms - may have to use that on my gift!
Ooh, how clever! I make flowers, tassels and ribbon decorations, but I've never made pom-poms - Very good! Thanks for sharing your idea with us!
those are too cute. you are amazing girl!!
Haven't made pom poms since my daughter was little and certainly never thought about using them for prettying up packages. How imaginative!
Very cute! My daughter would LOVE a pom pom package.
Thanks for the "how-to". These are so cute!!!
I scrolled down to see that Whiskers is doing much better. I'm so glad to hear the happy news. : )
WHat I love about this is that I'm always out of ribbon but always awash in yarn.
Love the pop poms for packaging dress up!very cute.
~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"
This is a seriously clever idea, Deb. So quick! Love it.
Hard to imagine I've lived this many years and never made a pom-pom--didn't know how! Thanks for the how-to, Sweetie! xo
I love pom poms and this looks so cute on a gift! Thanks for the tut! =-D
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