Monday, November 21, 2011

Well, it was a weekend.

Greetings, blog friends.
It's Monday morning alright.
Here's a little weekend re-cap, if you'd care to have a peek...

♦ ♦ ♦

I watched my garden grow. :o) Looking back through the November photo file in my computer, you'd think that this little garden of mine was a new grandchild that I just couldn't stop taking pictures of! Fact of the matter is, I do love it. My basil is going crazy, and my three tomato plants are tall and have sweet little blossoms on them. I'm wondering: Will I really get tomatoes off these plants this late in the year? I've never grown tomatoes so I don't know...keep in mind I live in the desert so we still have some warm weather on our side...

I did some crafting. I'll show you that tomorrow.

I spent some time at the park on Saturday afternoon with my friend Janae and her twin littles. I shot 168 photos before we gave up. Truth is, I did get a few good ones, but the ratio of all three looking at the camera versus not was pretty bad. I just love this photo - it sums up our happy frustration of a photo session with two two-year-olds.

I'm just gonna' say it: this past week I became unemployed. Don't fret. No need to worry. I'm ok, and Doug and I are not freaked out {yet}. But Saturday night found us at our backyard fire pit pretending that we were camping - beer and all.

I'm going to be doing the floral centerpieces for our Thanksgiving tables at my sister's house, so I put together some containers - simple empty cans covered with paper and ribbon. {I'll show you those in the future too...}

We had breakfast Sunday morning with my father-in-law and I was up early enough to bake a batch of pumpkin coffee cake. He was the happy recipient of a mini-loaf.

And there you have it - a fairly low-key weekend around our place.
This week we'll be traveling to California to spend time with our family
and we just couldn't be more excited about that. :o)!!!
It's Thanksgiving week!
Bring it!

November Attitude of Gratitude:
* I'm so thankful for my sweet little garden. I have my own space and my own dirt to nurture.
* I'm so grateful for my friend Janae and her littles - they make for a very fun Saturday afternoon.
* I'm so grateful for the amazing opportunities that are opening up for me right now!


debs14 said...

Oh Deb, so sorry to hear about your job. As you know, it happened to my husband about six months ago so I honestly know how you are feeling. Take care, and try and hold onto that wonderful positive attitude that we all know and love x

Cheri said...

OMG Deb - what happened??? I guess if you had to end up unemployed the timing at least has some advantages - you can enjoy your trip to California and have the comfort and support of your family - and then have time to prepare for the holidays! I'm hoping this change leads to great and wonderful things for you my friend!

This West London Life said...

So, so sorry to hear about your job, but delighted to hear that you and Doug are loving your new home and the new opportunities just around the corner.

Sian said...

I'm very, very sorry to hear about your job Deb. Gosh, life is throwing you some challenges at the minute. And you always cope with such grace. I'm hoping there is the perfect new job for you very soon in your future x

Maria Ontiveros said...

Oh Deb, it's been a hell of a year for you, hasn't it? I'm impressed you're able to be positive and grateful in the middle of it. I have such confidence in your talents and capabilities. I know you'll find something good soon.
p.s. great turtle ;)
and fantastic light you captured there with the crafting supplies
Turlock was sunny and cold; a little boring, but Henry was happy that a few college coaches noticed him and talked to his coach about him, saying they really liked the way he played.

Stephanie said...

Well, I knew the job was done, but it sounds like you bounced right back and had a great productive weekend! Enjoy your family time, Deb! xoxo

Irene said...

I truly believe when one door closes another door opens. You will find something better than what you had. Have a wonderful and safe trip.

traci said...

that's tough. i am glad you and doug are ok with it. i wish nothing but the best for you two. i think a backyard fire with beer is a great way to put it all in perspective. xo!!

oh yeah, the photo shoot. very hard with little ones. i feel your pain. that is an adorable shot though. true emotion. you can't beat that.

Pure Ella said...

Hello my dear ;)
Sounds like you're sailing smoothly through the bumps along the way.... you will be fine and new opportunities will come knocking on your door very soon.
I couldn't agree more with the good timing ~ as you can just rest and catch up on things.

All the best Deb and enjoy your road trip and family time.
Happy Thanksgiving. xo

Amanda said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your job I hope things work out. The cake you made sounds yummy and I'm looking forward to seeing what you have been creating.

Enjoy your trip :)

Amy said...

2011 has been a year of constant challenge for you and the family, I hope that your positive attitude gives you strength and that all of the family rally to offer you the same support you continually give them ... I have a feeeling that is exactly what will happen this weekend!
Good luck with all of the new adventures ahead! :-)

Alison said...

I really hope you've had the last blow dealt for this year and that you can hold on to all that 'positivity'...I'm certain that there's something just waiting in the wings for you!
Alison xx

furrypig said...

sending you lotsa hugs Deb and wishing you a wonderful week with your family xxx

scrappyjacky said...

Am hoping that as one door closes....another even better one opens for certainly deserve it,Deb.

Joc said...

Sorry to hear about your job Deb, but I believe that just puts you in the perfect position to take on whatever opportunities come up next. Enjoy the time with your family :)

janae @ jelly roll said...

Haha, that shot is awesome. :) I can't wait for you to see the holiday card I made with some of the photos, I love them! It was great hanging out with you. Sorry I've been MIA from reading and commenting. Can't wait to see what else you've been crafting up!

Rhona said...

I'm really sorry to hear about the job, Deb but it sounds like you're okay about it and looking forward to new opportunities. In the meantime, enjoy your time with your family and let's hope 2012 has good things in store.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your job Deb but impressed with your attitude towards it. Hoping this will lead to something even better.
Love the picture of your friend & her little ones.

Denise said...

Blogger is playing sillies and this is the third attempt to add acomment, here's hoping it works!
Life is certainly throwing everything at you at the moment isn't it? Good to hear you are going to spend sometime with your lovely family soon and also, your photos are superb,what camera so you use? lots of love - Denise x

It's Me! Adriana said...

Sorry about the job but we all know the saying "one door closes and another opens" Hope your new door opens up to a field of flowers, family and the faith to walk through it.

I am sure nothing but good stuff is headed your way.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Deb! Why does it seem like people get hit with so much all at once? Along with others (I've been off the computer for several days so I'm just catching up), I do believe that new doors open when one closes. Sometimes in retrospect, the closed door turns out to be a blessing! May it be so for you.

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