Perhaps you have wondered why I named my blog "PaperTurtle."
Perhaps you haven't wondered, but are curious now that I mention it.
? :o}
Well, when I was in the third grade I had a school assignment to write a report about the reptile of my choice. I chose the turtle.
Then when I was about 14, I had a really cool aunt - you know the kind? The aunt you think is SO awesome and cool?!?! Mine was Aunt Sharon and she collected frogs. She had them all over her house, and I wanted to have a collection like that so I could be like her. So I chose to collect turtles.
There are two live box turtles living with us, and I have owned hundreds of turtles made of stone, ceramic, plastic, glass, wood, clay...you name it. I have turtle stepping-stones in the backyard, turtle salt & pepper shakers in the kitchen, a turtle soap dish in the bathroom, a turtle pincushion in my sewing box, and a turtle tattoo on my right foot.
When my daughter, Carrie was little we made sand turtles instead of sandcastles...
When my daughter, Carrie was little we made sand turtles instead of sandcastles...

and snow turtles instead of snowmen...

{Carrie @ age 8}
I did an internet search for "turtle attributes" and found this piece with regard to the symbolism of the turtle: "Turtle teaches us to be careful in new situations and to be patient in reaching our goals. Turtle also teaches us to take things slow, for it gives us time to figure out if we need to protect our self or forge ahead. Turtle shows up in our lives when we need to go into shell and wait until our thoughts & ideas are ready to be expressed. He also teaches us to be adaptable to our environment so we can find the harmony within it."
Personally, I think I'm a lot like the turtle; steady and determined, keeping pace with myself and life's challenges, ever focused on the goal... Well, ok...maybe I'm not exactly like a turtle...but it sure sounds like something to strive for!
PS: The turtle drawing on the top of this post is one that I've been doodling since I was about 13-years old (that's a long time), and if I had a dime for everytime I've drawn her... Anyway, she is PaperTurtle.
Yes, I have wondered where the name came from; and it turns out to be a really nice story :)
wonderful little history there. thanks for sharing. i love the sand turtles!!
I think that's really cute and a turtle sounds like a good one to aim to be like. I love all the turtles you've made - sand, snow and paper! :) Thanks for sharing your story.
Great post. Love that you have a symbol. If you go all the way back to my first blog post or two, you can see my very first "gallo."
I love that story and the photos of your DD!
I don't know if you know it or not, but you and your turtle inspired me to start a collection of cats a long time ago. It never stuck, but you were sort of my "aunt sharon" then. Now I don't collect anything.... except scrapbook supplies.. lol
She IS so cute! And the sand and snow turtles are too much - adorable!
I don't know what I enjoyed the most--your story or seeing those pictures of Carrie! I might add that you were not only my inspiration to collect strawberries, you actually started my collection with that first needle punch you made for me! You are just an inspiring type of kid! Love you! xo
What a lovely story! Nice to know the background behind a name.
Awww, what a great story! I loved hearing about the meaning behind "paper turtle." And what cute pics, too. Love that snow turtle :)
aww, the turtle is cute, and yes I did wonder where you got the blog name from :)
love how you have carried the turtle collecting into so many areas of life. Given your love of buttons do you have some turtle buttons too?
lol! I'm always intrigued by how people got the names for their blogs, thanks for sharing :-) Me, I've always collected hedgehogs - maybe because I'm prickly and like to curl up into a ball?!
A great Tale of Turtles! Now I shall think of it every time I read your blog.
The other thing that's great about your blog, is how your friends and family all drop by and leave their comments... I don't know many other blogs where that happens so regularly. It's lovely! What a nice family you must all be.
That's such a cute story! I always did wonder why you named your blog that. I used to have a little turtle charm that I wore around my neck for years and years when I was little. I liked to think of myself as a turtle because I was always slow and the last one behind everybody else.
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