My dear sweet blog friends ~Thank you so much for your sweet comments and prayers for my furry friend, Whiskers. I'm cautiously optimistic as I write this post, but I think he's going to be ok! I'll spare you the details, but he's acting like his normal self (using the word normal loosely here!) and everything seems to be ok now.
While we were at the animal hospital the other night, Carrie took out her camera. At first I protested, but it's my own doing - I raised her to be a scrapbooker and, well, it's what we do. We take pictures at odd times.

About 2 1/2 years ago, Whiskers ate some ribbon from my craft table. A dollar's worth of ribbon turned into a very costly vet bill. The ribbon became lodged in his intestines and required surgery that was risky and very hard on him (and me!). He was so sick, his recovery was long, and he was completely traumatized by his experience at the vet's office.
Do you think he would stop eating ribbon? Nooooooo. In fact, he almost became obsessed with finding and chewing it. It's the shear stuff that he likes. Shear ribbon and tulle. I am meticulous about keeping this stuff under cover because I know he's crazy for it, but I'm a crafter and there are times that things aren't tucked away completely. :o\
Animals are funny, aren't they? Our other cat loves to eat plastic bags and lick photos. Where does that come from?!?! Do you have a pet with a quirky habit?.
Cute post - SO glad that he is going to be okay. :)
I could have sworn I glimpsed this post earlier and then it was gone....! I'm so pleased to hear that the whiskered one seems to be OK now :-)
My pet's only quirk is a desperate desire to escape!! One of his escapologist escapades is detailed on my blog...
It sounds encouraging.. best wishes to Whiskers!
We had a cat that chewed woollen things. Our current pet puss is just obsessed with his catnip toys! He chews them for a minute and then walks about looking drunk for the next half hour!
So glad it looks like Whisky Jay is going to be alright. Your cats do have some strange habits though ;o). I can't really say any of our pets do anything strange - how about the dog licking our feet and loves curling her tongue up between our toes?? Especially loves smelly feet lol!!
Glad to hear things look okay for your puss. Our pooch seems fairly 'normal' ~ no unusual habits ... well, apart from licking DH's feet, which is really gross!
"Not my finest hour...providing a place for Whiskers to hide while we wait to be seen by the doctor:"
I bet Whiskers would disagree. I'm sure he'd say that hour was one of your finest.
Glad to hear he is back to his same old "ornery" self... Just love that cat, even though he does not love me. :-) Happy for you too, I know it would of broke your heart if it were worse. Love ya
Yay for Whiskers! And relief for you! Love the pics! xo
I'm really good this goes in the scrapbook. We need to remember the hard and scary times too.
That's great news! At least my goldfish are contained and can't make it up the stairs to my craft room
i am so happy that he seems to be normal. poor guy. we have very quirky pets here. buddy ventures off every night and steals stuffed animals from someplace. he used to go to walmart for donuts.
I know how scary it is when one of my cats isn't doing so well, so I feel your pain!!! I'm thinking of Mr. Whiskey Jay and keeping positive thoughts for him! <3
So very glad to hear Whiskers is doing well and recovered. I'm a worrier, too, when it comes to this sort of thing. We have some odd kitty behavior in our house, too. Our older cat is obsessed with licking photos, so we can't leave any pictures out. And our younger cat loves paper scraps and eating ribbon, so just like you, I have to be really diligent about what gets left out.
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