Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Scrambled eggs and me

Thanks so much for your sweet and thoughtful comments on yesterday's post. Today I have another little story about the one and only time my mom ever forced me to eat something I didn't like. Ah, yes, something else I need to work on forgiving her for... {just kidding!}

We were staying at my aunt and uncle's house - I'm going to guess that I was about four years old - and my aunt had made scrambled eggs for breakfast. All I really remember is that everyone else had left the table and I couldn't be excused until I'd finished my scrambled eggs which, by that time, were cold and yucky. I sat there for what felt like an eternity...

For the longest time I couldn't even look at eggs, and I'm still not a huge fan. Don't even think about asking me to eat cold scrambled eggs now that I'm the boss of me! But I do like them hot out of the pan, the way Doug makes them with cheese mixed in, a dash of salt and lots of black pepper...some sliced avocados on the side if we've got 'em.

I don't remember ever forcing Carrie to eat something she didn't like, which may be the reason she grew up to be such a picky eater...I don't know...

Did your mom ever make you eat junk you didn't like?
And if so, did you learn to like it later on? 


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I feel your pain! My Dad used to make me sit until I'd eaten every last congealing scrap. I think it is the reason I hate lamb and won't touch it now. He also made my brother and I eat the sprouts at Christmas. Funnily enough they are never on the menu in either of our homes, now that we are the bosses! However, I love scrambled eggs :o)

scrappyjacky said...

I feel your pain as children we were made to sit at the table until we'd finished almost everything on our plates.
I never made my children eat anything....but I only cooked one meal and they could take it or leave it!! Though there was always a selection of veg so that they could avoid what they really hated!! One has grown up very picky and two are not picky....go figure!
We love scrambled egg with smoked salmon mixed in....but I wouldn't eat cold scrambled egg either....and I hate it 'runny' as well.
p.s. I think you need to be a robot to decipher your word verification today!

debs14 said...

Cold scrambled egg? Yuk! Soft scrambled egg with smoked salmon folded through it is a totally different matter!
Brussels sprouts were my evil veg, and still are! Hate them.

Sian said...

Cold scrambled egg is horrible! But we like it hot with cheese here too.

No, I don't remember being made to eat anything. I do remember being made to come in and go to bed when the other kids were still out playing, because my Mum always believed in early bed times

Audrey said...

Oh my, MEAT LOAF. So nasty. I have a will of tungsten (the strongest metal on Earth ~ I had to Google it!). My parents would make me stay at the table until I ate it. Well, I'd sit at the table all night until they ushered me off to bed. I never ate it. It had green peppers which I don't like. To this day, I won't eat meat loaf (maybe that's one of the reasons I'm a vegetarian ~ ha!) and I won't eat green peppers either! Hmmmm, considering the comment I just typed about Clara on yesterday's post, I'm thinking maybe Clara didn't fall so far from the tree after all. :-) Your photo of scrambled eggs and avacado made me SO HUNGRY ~ it looks delicious! XOXO

Anonymous said...

I can recall my Nana making me sit at the table until every scrap had been eaten! The rule in our house has always been 'Try it Once' if it has been tried and not liked you don't have to have it again. Funnily enough, my fussy little eater eats a far more varied diet than she did at home often amazing me by announcing I like sun dried tomatoes or can I have some red pepper in it - things she would never eat before going to UNI!

Anonymous said...

I can recall my Nana making me sit at the table until every scrap had been eaten! The rule in our house has always been 'Try it Once' if it has been tried and not liked you don't have to have it again. Funnily enough, my fussy little eater eats a far more varied diet than she did at home often amazing me by announcing I like sun dried tomatoes or can I have some red pepper in it - things she would never eat before going to UNI!

Karen said...

My parents never required us to eat anything we didn't want as long as we were polite about it. One night I made a comment about the lima beans and five of them ended up on my plate. Like you, I waited so long they got cold, but I finally managed to swallow them. I promptly got up from the table and went outside and threw up! They never asked me to eat something I didn't want again, but I was never silly enough to be rude again either!

Amy said...

Pea and ham soup .... I can't even talk about it.

alexa said...

That sounds miserable :(. We were encouraged to try things at home but I remember being forced by a teacher to eat tapioca at a school lunch time and I was promptly sick all over her shoes. We never forced ours to eat anything!

Anonymous said...

Love scrambled eggs so long as they are cooked properly and not all runny. Cooked carrots were the thing with me. I remember my Dad who also didn't like them making it a game with me - the result I still didn't eat them and he ended up loving them. I'm still not keen on them but I can eat them.

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