Hello, sweet friends.
And hello Monday morning.
I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready
and excited to take on a whole new week.
Me? Yes, and yes.
This weekend I decided to pick some blood oranges and try my hand at canning some orange preserves. I'll share more about that on Wednesday, but today I'll just say that it was a very time consuming project. Wow.
And this weekend I did some sewing with my furry friend, Whiskers Jay. Man, he is a pest when the sewing machine gets turned on. I usually shoo him off of my sewing table - his tail swishes all over the place - but on Saturday I let him remain tucked at the back of the table where he sat purring and watching the show. I can't tell you what I was working on just yet...it's a secret for now...
Yesterday was the Super Bowl and for me it's more about the fun food than it is about the game. And I suppose this year it was good that I had something to enjoy, because it was probably the most boring game of the entire football season. My favorite part of the day was that Carrie came over and ate fun food and watched the boring game with us. :o)
And with that I'm going to take my somewhat-grumpy-Monday-morning-self out and plop it on a yoga mat for a little attitude adjustment. It works every time. ;o)
Have a great week, my friends.
Keep smiling!
Orange preserves sounds good but yet I've never tried it. Who knows why. Sewing...Looks like possibly something for the baby, can't wait to see. Yummy looking food, I actually had no Super Bowl food and barely watched any of the game. All I seem to be doing these days is packing, packing and more packing. Hope you have a good week.
Blood oranges sound delicious. We make Marmalade over here, i don't know if you call it the same thing? Everyone got a big excited for the super bowl over here but had to stay up very late to watch it! I am so glad January is over too. Such a dark, cold month over here. The days are getting lighter now we are in Febuary, hooray!
I'm always pleased when January is over too, it feels like Spring may be just around the corner - maybe! The days are staying lighter for longer which is great, I hate it when it's dark by 3.30pm!
Did you make marmalade? I bet it's scrummy made with blood oranges!
I love blood oranges, I am sure the preserves are yummy! Pearl has tried to stay in my lap all morning which has made me aware she needs a deep brushing...the joys of long hair @@. I enjoyed the game since I was pulling for the Seahawks and in particular Russell Wilson. I was just totally impressed with their play. Recovering from the trip we just noshed on deli chicken wings and frozen pizza.
I love that you let Whiskers Jay hang out on the sewing table. I'm sure it was the highlight of his weekend! Ha! Can't wait to hear all about the Valentine's Crafting Party!!!
Mmmm...that bacon cheeseburger dip was so good. Wish I would have taken some home. ;) Thanks for making it a fun afternoon yesterday! xo
I like the way you think! And your scrumptious orange photos too. You're so lucky to be able to have an orange tree in your yard!
Such yummies.
Oh my, what fabulous pictures of the fruit Deb.
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