Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello, 2014

I've been writing a New Year's Day post in my head for the past few days and am all over the board with what to write about. There's a tug to write about something my readers would expect, like New Year's resolutions or intentions. But I haven't really come up with anything specific {yet?}. This could also be one of those posts where I just show you a pretty picture and add a quote and call it good - something inspirational for the new year, you know?

Maybe it's the fact that today marks the twelfth glorious day of my time off from work. Twelve days of calling my own schedule, eating whatever I can get my hands on in the kitchen, staying up late, ignoring my yoga mat, and just plain ol' relaxing. ~sigh~ I needed the relaxing part.

I was lamenting over my choice of habits during my time off, and Doug came back with, "Sounds to me like you've been enjoying your vacation." Yes sir, that sounds about right. Leave it to Douglas to help me look at the bright side.

Kind of like Lucky who, after digging a giant hole, just lazes in the sun next to it - happy and exhausted from enjoying his bad habit.

Carrie asked me the other day what my "One Little Word" is for 2014 and I told her I didn't have one. She asked, "As in 'you haven't decided yet,' or 'you're not choosing one'?" I had to tell her I didn't know. I barely chose one last year, and if I had to pick this year I'd probably choose "meh." I'll admit that I'm beginning this new year with a bit of a cynicism and just plain laziness, if you will. And it's not that I don't care about my life's direction or the need to set some goals, I just think I'm in a place where I'm good with coasting for a while. Just letting some stuff be.

Did you notice in my first photo that my little garden angel has a bird dropping on her head? I'm going to jokingly tell you that's about how I'm feeling these days! And with "meh" as my mantra, I wouldn't even care about that mess on my head.

And I'm feeling antsy, friends. Like I want to shake things up a bit; blog a little differently... more effectively and informatively... maybe less frequently...  Project Life, One Little Word, Just a Quote for Friday, weekend recaps... Are those things still fun for me or are they now {perceived} obligations? See what I mean? My thoughts are all over the board.

What remains consistent is my love for creating stuff and sharing it here on PaperTurtle. My love for photography and writing, and the joy it brings when I can share those things with my blog readers and somehow feel connected even though we live in different cities, states, and countries. Those things keep me coming back to this blog space and blurting out my thoughts. Some may read my words and judge {?} and others might totally relate.

Now, don't you worry, I won't choose "meh" as my one little word for 2014, but it does make me chuckle just a little at the thought. And perhaps that's my lesson in a nutshell. All those things I worry about needlessly? Over-think and lament about? Meh to all of that. Sometimes coasting through life is just what one needs. Let things rest and simmer just a bit...

In the meantime, I'll just be over here doing some sewing for my new baby niece and taking pictures to show you at the end of this month. It's where I find my true joy, and there's nothing meh about that!

Happy New Year, blog friends.
Make it awesome!


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

No judging from me Deb, I can totally relate. I think it's natural to want a structure to the blogging week/month, but I found myself trapped within it and didn't know quite what to do about that. Random is good. Happy New Year to you xx

Ruth said...

Happy New Year, my friend! I'll happily read whatever it is you want to blog about.
PS: I am so envious of the Arizonan light in January!

Maria Ontiveros said...

I've really enjoyed a no obligation approach to my blog and blog reading over the holidays. And, now, magically the scheduled posts are starting to fill up my blogger account. And I'm getting round to say "hey" and "happy new year" to blog friends. Heck, I may even write my Christmas cards today! Or go for a hike with the dogs. Or set up my new photo printer.
It's all good.
I've picked a OLW (which I'll share later), but I wanted to suggest "flow" to you. I chose it one year but never did much with it. But it's a good one. And basically unused.
Love you,

furrypig said...

beautiful photos Deb, I love looking at your blog and reading whatever you post... just do what makes you happy.... wishing you a wonderful 2014 xxx

Cheri said...

Happy New Year Deb! While "meh" certainly has it's merits (and I totally get it), I hope it won't be out of line for me to suggest the word "be"... which allows you the freedom to coast and take life as it comes at you, without any negative vibes attached to it. I've only seen the word used by one other person and that was several years ago. Whatever you choose (or don't choose as the case may be) i hope 2014 is kind to you!

Cate Brickell said...

Your photos are fabulous! I think this is the year I pick my camera up again, and practise practise practise.

Happy new year, enjoy the flow

Becky said...

Happy New Year Deb - I am more than happy to read whatever you blog about! Just seeing your lovely sunny photos today was wonderful as it is raining and has basically been dark all day! Just be you and don't worry about the 'meh'! xx

scrappyjacky said...

Happy New Year....and always happy to enjoy whatever you care to share.

Karen said...

I've been coasting, reading, and enjoying time with family for nearly a week now, and it looks like it may continue for a while. I do have a couple of blog posts I want to get up, but need to wait until I get home to finish them. I think coasting, and enjoying vacation, is just what most of us need right now! Always glad to read whatever you post. :-)

Susi said...

Happy New Year! I'm a short timer here but I look forward to and love all that you share here!

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

Happy New Year! I'm in a bit of limbo here - especially about blogging and the direction I will go in, if at all. But I am feeling ready to take on the new year. Hope your year is wonderful. And it is OK to coast sometimes. You have changes in store for this year, so keep enjoying the coast.

helena said...

Happy New year Deb - I think that photo of Lucky relaxing after digging would make a great guiding photo for the year - enjoy and relax and feel no guilt!

Jo said...

Happy New Year to you, I hope it's a good one. There's nothing wrong with taking time out and just going with the flow, it's not a sin to have no plans or directions and as long as you're still doing something you love then it doesn't matter x

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Deb. I think we all need some coasting time! As for the blog, I enjoy whatever you write about. It's so nice seeing your garden pictures on such a cold, bitter day, makes me think I need to visit Arizona.

Audrey said...

Is it just me? I think "meh" is a fabulous word for the year. It's honest and authentic and I feel like the world (especially the blogging world) could use a little more of that! Now who's being cynical?

Beverly said...

I think "meh" can sometimes really mean you are content and for me content is a very powerful place to be in life. Love you, love the blog whatever you do with it!

Ginger said...

Ha! I LOL at the bird dropping reference! I love your blog Deb and I'm good with whatever works for you. I just know whatever you do end up posting will put a smile on my face. Take care!

Lisa-Jane said...

I actually signed up for one little word this year for the first time. I'll be back to read whatever you post and whenever you post it luvvie xx

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