Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Five Years Later

Carrie said I needed a blog.
"What's a blog?" I asked.
The rest is PaperTurtle history...

Five years ago today, with Carrie's help, I published my first blog post. I had no idea what I was going to blog about, but I had ideas and figured I'd just keep blogging until I ran out of them.

It’s a little tricky sometimes, writing for this blog. I have a very diverse group of readers made up of blog friends who scrapbook, quilt, arrange flowers, cook, or love photography. I have aunts and an uncle who read my blog, and cousins and even nieces and nephews. Friends of my mother’s read this blog, and there quite a few people reading that I don’t even know at all. Throw in a couple of Carrie’s co-workers and a few of my own, and you have a well-rounded wide-variety of tastes and interests. And while I embrace the fact that this is my blog and I can write whatever the heck I please, I do try to be sensitive to the diversity of my audience. So, yeah, it’s tricky sometimes.

When I published my first blog post five years ago today, I had absolutely no idea how blogging would morph into a hobby that I really love. I had no way of knowing about the friendships it would bring and the inspiration I would gain; how sharing my stories would help me accept myself, and also push me toward being more mindful about living a life of gratitude.

As I think about the future of this blog, I approach it with the same innocence that I did when I created my first blog post. I have no idea where the next five years will lead me, but whatever it is I hope you will continue to enjoy this journey with me, and I thank you for being here for the past five years - or the past week or six months…wherever you fit in the scheme of things. Your words of encouragement mean so much to me – whether those words are left by way of a comment on a blog post, a “like” on Facebook, or a mention in face-to-face conversation. I am always so touched to learn that someone has enjoyed something I’ve posted here on PaperTurtle.

Happy five year anniversary to my humble little PaperTurtle
blog, and a very happy Tuesday to all who read this.
I'm very proud of the past five years here,
and my heart is filled with gratitude.


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Wow! Five years? That's really something. I've been following you for around half that time and always enjoy my visits here xx

Sian said...

Happy Anniversary! Five years is a fine achievement..I hope you keep it up for many more fives to come.

Funny, that's just what I was saying to Ruth when we were talking about blogging the other day: when you start out you can say whatever you want, but once you have regular readers it's very tempting to write for them and the reaction you know they'll have, rather than for the wider world

Cheri said...

Happy Anniversary! Congrats on five years of wonderful content. Here's to hoping that you'll continue to find the joy and gratitude in blogging for as long as it holds your interest and your heart!

Susi said...

Happy Anniversary! I am happy that I finally stumbled across your blog. Its a good one. I love your enthusiasm. I still wonder how you fit it all in.
Thanks for sharing.

Jo said...

Happy anniversary and long may this lovely blog continue x

scrappyjacky said...

And five years on yours is still one of my favourite blogs.....long may it continue.
Happy Blogversary.

This West London Life said...

Here's to many more five years!! x

furrypig said...

Happy Blogerversary! I am so grateful to you blogging especially sharing about Marti. I knew you were someone I could 'talk' to about my dad and for that I will always be grateful xxx I love lots of other things about your blog too... just don't comment often enough as I cannot do it directly via bloglovin for some reason!!

debs14 said...

Five years? Have I really only 'known' you for five years? It feels like we've been friends for much longer than that! Here's to many more bloggy years of PaperTurtle xxx

furrypig said...

thanks for getting in touch to talk about leaving comments so much easier....see!!!

Rhona said...

Happy Blogaversary, I'm looking forward to many more years of reading your blog. xxx

Beverly said...

Happy 5th, sweet friend! It has been a blessing to have connected with you through blogging. I look forward to many more years of friendship and blogging!

Stephanie said...

Happy Anniversary! It's been great fun riding along with you! So happy you blogged and we connected! <3 <3 <3

Abi said...

Happy Anniversary Lovely Deb. It has been lovely getting to know you and connecting to you. What fun blogs are and what a puzzlement they are at the same time. Here's to many more years!

Amy said...

Five?! Goodness, you don't look a day over one! heheheee

I understand what you mean about being sensitive to the diversity of your audience - I tend to take a little of the same attitude and blog with the innocence (perhaps selfishness, on my part) of the early days. It is so easy to cater to the audience rather than writing what you want/need/enjoy.

Margaret said...

Happy fifth anniversary! I am so glad you are in the blogosphere.

Cate Brickell said...

Happy anniversary. Gosh, five years?! I haven't been reading since the beginning, but I have been reading a long time, and have loved being able to call you friend. Thank you.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Well hello old friend! Five years - congratulations! I just wrote a long blog post for tomorrow about blogging (and realized I started just over four years ago). I have lots of thoughts about blogging which you will see tomorrow. I had 15 posts from the last 20 days of yours in my reader, and I enjoyed catching up and reading every one of them! i especially loved the typewriter shop story - pitch perfect. The potluck post was the one which made me check out comments; I usually bring a Japanese cabbage salad which is devoured and loved. The photographs of Kaycee are stunning, and I loved your first week thankful posts (especially the Wilder quote). I promise to pretend I'm excited about the holidays. And, yes, there is a crab season (kind of like deer season, but longer). Also a salmon season. Thanks for sticking with me while I've been gone!

Karen said...

And our gratitude to you, for inspiring posts, beautiful photography, and wonderful friendship! Here's to another five years!

Audrey said...

That is so awesome!!! Congrats, Deb....and Happy 5th Anniversary!!! Wooohooo!!!

alexa said...

Belated Happy Birthday! How lovely to have such a wide spread of readers - though I suspect we would all come regardless of the angle of the content because what we have formed a relationship with, and cherish, is you :).

Miriam said...

And congratulations from me, always late to the party. x

Lisa-Jane said...

Wow five years?! That's impressive. You inspire me in so many ways so I'm glad you kept at it :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow - congrats on 5 years! I so enjoy reading your blog and am happy I found it just about 3 years ago.

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