I'm sure you've heard the phrase "She has everything but the kitchen sink" when referring to the contents of a woman's handbag. My mother-in-law actually had a miniature sink that she carried in her purse!

I love my kitchen sink and all the silly little things that adorn it.
There's my sweet little carrot plant ~ still growing!

A bowl of heart rocks and a sticky note with an affirmation
{assume the best} to remind me to keep my thoughts on the up and up.

I love old bottles, so I have a few of those around - including a vintage 7-Up bottle that Doug found out in the middle of
nowhere while hunting a few years ago. There are a few turtles, an aloe vera plant in a Luke's Diner mug...

Little bits of random that represent silly ol' me ~ my treasures that are priceless only to me.

What's around your kitchen sink?
* * * ♥ * * *
Like you I have a mixed collection of little things I love and little things which don't really have any other home. Just the other day I was wondering what had happened to the little carved wooden "Sian" I used to have on the kitchen window sill. J. made it for me years ago.
Really nice idea for a post Deb.
our kitchen sink no longer has a window... with the kitchen remodel, we now look into the sunroom and there really isn't space for "stuff" around the sink!
I really like your collection of bottles and other neat little things. Our kitchen sink doesn't have a window view, so it just harbors the usual things like sponges and soap.
Regards from Germany,
I'm off to have a looksee ... will post a pic later. Love the colour in your kitchen.
I have a window, but not a window ledge.. so no treasures for me! I love yours though
Aison xx
No window, no sill but cute little strawberry pictures. Add hand soap and you've got my very stylish kitchen sink! See you tomorrow! xo
You really wouldn't want to see around my kitchen sink,Deb....not pretty at all!!!
But I do love my dresser and what's around that....so you've given me an idea for a post.
And I love old bottles....and have some myself.
How nice to see your little kitchen window-sill. I also love that window Above the sink - with the bottles all along the sill. How cool is that?!
On my kitchen window-sill? Hmm..let's see... left-to-right...
- A Chinese Lucky Cat money-box; he has been in our home, on a window-sill, since we were married. I have no idea if he really does channel wealth into our home, but we've never been so broke we couldn't afford to eat, so I'm taking no chances - the puss-cat stays!
- A butterfly, made by DS, from Hama beads, on a visit to his friends next door to our "old house" (before we lived here). It's colourful and I like it, so it stays too.
- On and off, there is a small zinc trough/window-box, containing DH's little pots of seeds, that he is growing for his vegetable garden. They are mostly outside, or in the greenhouse now though, so that patch is clear and I can see out to the garden.
- A digital thermometer, that tells the current temperature, with a "lowest" and "highest" measure too. I am not convinced that it's very accurate, as it has come up with some surprising numbers over the time we've had it... still, it's on a window-sill, so I guess it's subjected to extremes of hot/cold not felt further inside the room...
- A photo frame, with sunflowers on it and a photo of DH and DS, sitting together on a bench at Bristol Zoo about 5 years ago. I should get a newer photo, but I love that one...
- My "Bee Rescue" jar is currently on or by the window-sill too. Bees keep flying in the garden doors, then trying to fly out the window (which is, of course, closed!). I tip the jar over them and when they fly up into it, I take it to the door, turn it the other way and they fly up into the sky!! I used to use a tea-spoon with a tiny bit of honey on the end, but this is easier and saves washing up!
There you go, Deb.. a run-down of The Kitchen Window Sill! I might post a photo on my blog some time too ;-)
ummm nothing you'd care to see lol I'm pretty utilitarian in that area but yours looks like a magazine photo, beautiful!
Cute post! I love your kitchen sink! :)
Mine is quite small: there are two basil plants, an indoor compost bin and the washing up liquid!
Your kitchen window looks very pretty and homely :)
My mother and I live together and our kitchen sink is full of plants my mum loves her plants, and I have a selection of herbs.
I have two roosters . . . the namesakes of my blog. And I have a mosaic birdhouse in the colors I want to paint the kitchen some day (and, yes, it has a rooster on it).
Right now, right this minute? Well, ok then .... two stray plugs and about three inches of saw dust combined with some random screws and parts that the plumber needs to use when he finishes - one day!!!!
i have no cute window or pretty things as the sink goes right up against the wall in my flat. so only the washing up paraphanalia. when i did have a window i had a plant
Jo xxx
I love this little sneak peek at your kitchen window sill - at the moment my window sill is full of plants and I would take a photo but the mess around the sink wouldn't allow it at this moment in time ;o) xxx
What a great post Deb. I love seeing what is around your sink, gives us a little peek into your life. My sink is in the middle of an island and is usually surrounded by dishes waiting to be washed!
I have a collection of things too...... a vintage green glass bowl, a seen better days plant, an orchid (actually in flower), a cutting of said 'seen better days plant', a huge glass vase filled with fake anthuriums, a felted cupcake, a kitchen candle....and the cat's pills. Quite an eclectic collection.
Thanks for sharing love your bottle collection
mine's the same,a few of 'my' bits that drive my ultra tidy husband mad! When I come home from work in the evening,I always take my necklace and earrings off and put them on the ledge,he bought me a jewellry box so that I would put them 'out of sight' - doesn't always happen though! x
Lovely to have a look at what is around your kitchen sink! At the moment I have a tin bucket with seeds in which I am trying (unsuccessfully I think) to germinate, a little mug shaped like a boot from Cologne Christmas market, an old ashtray filled with shells and a Russian Doll which holds tooth picks!
I don't like clutter so my kitchen windowsill is bare except for the soap dispenser & a jug that I use to hold flowers. I love your collections Deb especially the heart shaped pebbles. I will have to look out for some myself :)
Loving all those bottles, your kitchen has a nice color combo :)
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