Greetings from Arizona, where spring has officially sprung.

This past weekend I traveled to Chicago with my two co-workers for an annual convention. We had a good time but I was ready to come home.
One can only take so many hours sitting in a chair listening to speakers, a few extra cocktails than I'm used to having, and several hours less in the sleeping department.
Plus, Saturday was our wedding anniversary and I was many miles away.

Ahhhh. It's good to be home.
I have a lot of catching up to do - lots of unread blogs in my reader and all kinds of lovely comments waiting to be enjoyed. {Thanks so much!!!} How's spring coming along on your corner of the planet? xo
Welcome back! I love rose bushes - my mom had whole assortment of them, and they always remind me of her.
I love roses as well....yours look so will be a while til ours are in flower.
Our roses will be many weeks away from flowering like that. Great photos, you can really see the velvety texture on them - beautiful.
Welcome home!
SO pretty! I still have those ones you brought to my work last week, and they still look gorgeous!
Welcome home! I think you just answered several of my questions :-) The roses are beautiful, what a lovely welcome xx
Welcome home! Your roses are just beautiful. Sadly, spring is just not interested in coming to western New York. It's snowed the last two days, not enough to cover the ground, but still . . . This is one of the longest winters I can remember! Can't wait to get out your way where it's warm enough to eat outside!
Definitely enjoying spring here in Texas. Your roses are absolutely gorgeous - thanks for sharing.
I am about to go and pick my first ripe strawberry. So I guess it really is spring.
Spring has gone into hiding. We're getting snow tonight. ;^(
BTW, I love your roses. I grow them in my yard, too.
I love your roses. Our tulip greens are popping out of the ground and getting taller every day. I am getting antsy for the farmers' markets to start. I love fresh flowers, produce, handmade breads, and kettle corn while you wait.
Beautiful! I love roses! I went around taking pictures of my miniature roses as well as the neighbor's roses. (Well they don't live anymore!) Just gorgeous! I hope you had a wonderful anniversary! I hate being gone for mine too!
Yes, home is wonderful - been away a bit myself - happy anniversary to you and Doug! :-)
Happy Anniversary and Welcome Home :) Your roses are fabulous.
Happy Anniversary! and welcome home! so wish I could have made it to say hello! Love your roses too!
Stunning to say the least! We have one rose bush in front and it's in bloom plus a friend brought me 3 roses from her garden yesterday. Oh, but our iris are so beautiful!
Glad you made it home safe and sound, Sweetie! xo
Welcome Home Deb! I know the feeling of traveling for work. No matter where they send you, it isn't like you get to enjoy the sites - just spend days in windowless conference rooms getting buried under information overload. Enjoy the recovery period!
Hi Deb! I was wondering if you could help me out on picking a camera. I have a small basic digital one but would like to save for a nice SLR. I'm not sure what brand to pick. I sure would appreciate any advice you could offer. Thanks
what a gorgeous welcome home :)
I love these flowers!
We are deep into November weather here.
Yucks. Where is spring anyway, please send some our way ;)
Your roses are beautiful! I'm still waiting for mine to bloom but I do have quite a few buds coming out :)
I envy you your trip to Chicago - my SIL lives there and I'd love to go and visit again but I believe it was cold - going by my BIL's status updates!
Pretty roses. It's been awhile since I have seen an actual rose bush. They don't have rose bushes in the city. Glad to hear you are back in Arizona. Besides being cold, did you like Chicago?
Your roses are gorgeous! Glad you're glad to be home
Alison xx
Beautiful photographs x
Simply beautiful :)
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