:o) Note the cat in the background. {Love me some Whiskers Jay!}
Putting this together was really scientific, as you can see. I used a highly sophisticated method for evenly spacing the eggs:
{I know, everyone on the planet has an iPhone except for me!} {How embarrassing...}
Then I enjoyed the pretty light coming through my kitchen windows and took a ton of photos that all looked the same when I uploaded them. :o]

Doug's reply: "Really? I like it brown."
My reply: "But my decorations would look sooooo much better if it wasn't brown..."
It's always something, isn't it? :o)
love the garland Deb. I don't usually have easter decorations although we always painted eggs when I was a kid.
When I was in HobbyCraft a few weeks ago the easter craft display was very tempting - still time to get some stuff !
I have that phone too!
I love your little garlands that you put together.They look so colourful and brighten the place up. So has he agreed to paint the fireplace? tee hee x
I don't decorate for Easter. I used to decorate for Halloween and don't even do that anymore. Pretty much, it is just Christmas around here. I'm thinking maybe I will decorate a little this year - how about a pot of tulips? Would that count?
Lovely garland, but isn't Easter still a month away? PS: I don't have an iPhone, either, so you are not alone!
So cute! Never knew those plastic eggs had so many uses! Don't know if your method of spacing was very scientific but it certainly was high-tech! Love you! xo
I don't have an IPhone either!! I have a few little Easter things, that you have reminded me that it's time to get out
I have a few little Easter decorations that I was going to put on an Easter tree once but I never found a branch that worked for me so they've stayed in their box! How bad is that!! Love the garland and the "scientific" way you assembled it ;o).
I'm afraid I do have an iPhone and I love it!
Seems like you're not the only one without an iphone,Deb....there's quite a few of us....maybe we should start a club!!
Love the garland....though we don't decorate at Easter...we did paint eggs and have an egg hunt when the kids were little...we have a big Easter tea though.
Many thanks for the bracelet which arrived today.
you really are too cute, Deb!! I barely decorate for Easter. Just a few odds and ends.
how funny is that... we don't have very many Easter decorations either. lol.
ps. missed you on sat... but we should get together for lunch!
We have a few Easter decorations but lots of plastic eggs. Maybe I'll make a garland too. Although Easter still seems very far away to me.
Hahahahahaaa, yes, even four year olds have iphones over here - NOT!!!! Mine is worse than yours Deb ;-)
Surely Doug can manage to paint to fit seasonal decorating? ;-)
Love that garland Deb and I don't have an iPhone either. David didn't get a mobile phone until last year and he jumped straight in and got an iPhone - am I jealous or what!
I LOVE this garland, even up against a brown fireplace. :)
I still have to make mine...
I saw some eggs like these last week, but really wasn't sure what to do with them - now I've got thousands of ideas for them, and the foam ones I saw, thanks for sharing!
What a great idea for those eggs! I have a few, lol. Don't worry about the iPhone...I only got mine several months ago. I love it, but I was fine without it.
I love your pretty Easter garland Deb :)
That's a lovely garland! And, as you know, I'm always painting things white so I'm right behind you on that one!
Love your garland :) About the only Easter decorations we have are a bunch of daffodils for the dining table and a little glass Easter teapot that I made when I was 'into' dollshousing - now, I could do a post about that!
Magic! you made simple plastic eggs in a very pretty garland, or should I say extreme creativity ;)
I never would have thought of this; it's darling! We have a few Easter decorations, but I don't have as many as I have for other holidays. I'm waiting til April 1, hoping it will be less wintery. (Although the forecast isn't promising!)
What a cute idea! You are not the only person in the world without an I-phone by the way:)
FInally: You've given us a project that I think I can handle! I'm doing it! (And I don't even have a smart phone.)
I love that you have decorations for everything :-) And yes, your fireplace totally needs to be white ;-)
What a cute idea for garland! I really like how you asked your husband to paint the fireplace... it sounds like something that I would do. All for the sake of the art!!
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