I realize that snowballs are fun only for those of us who don't live in a snowy climate. We never shovel snow where I live, so the thought of a fluffy snowball flying through the air seems fun and whimsical.

My sister loves snowmen and I usually do something snow-related for her family for Christmas. This year I had the idea to make an indoor-snowball-fight. I gave it some thought and figured that it probably wasn't a good idea to encourage her children (Presley is 5 and Stone is 2) to throw things at each other indoors. {Anyone with siblings knows how quickly things like that can get out of control!} So, I opted for a "snowball toss" game.

Doug and I had lots of fun trying this game before I wrapped it up for Valerie's family. It's almost impossible to beat him at any game where throwing/tossing is involved, so I was very happy {and overly proud of myself} that I WON THE SNOWBALL TOSS game. Yes!

* * * * *
My mom is delivering the snowball toss to my sister's family today. I can't wait to hear what she thinks! :o)
Deb this looks so much fun! and I can kind of tell by looking how soft and fluffy the snowballs are. What a great gift, you are so creative :)
OMG--I peaked--sorry! This is the cutest THING EVER!! You are SOOO clever dude! Can't wait to see it and play with the kids! I am the luckiest person in the world to have a sister like YOU!
Love you!
I agree with Valerie, she is very lucky :) Adorable idea that I am going to store for when I have grandchildren!
Valerie is spot on! She is indeed very lucky to have you as a sister. What a great idea and I love the image of Outdoor-Type-Kinda-Guy-Doug playing Snowball Toss ... brilliant! x
I love this and I'm so excited for Presley and Stone to love it too! :)
What a wonderfully creative idea! I know the kids will love it (though I'm willing to bet a snowball fight breaks out as well - LOL!)
Yep....Valerie is definately right...and this game looks wonderful....and the photo even shows just how soft they are.Bet there is a snowball fight....it may even be amongst the adults!!!!
Oh, this is so cute and clever! You are (as my mum would say) "endless", meaning the ideas just never dry up! I know a little boy who would absolutely love one of these. I totally love it.
What a fab, fab idea. It looks so much fun and do you really think that the snowballs will only be tossed into the bucket and not at each other?
Deb, this is so cute! I love how creative you are. AMAZING!!
LOVE it!
I love this - and agree with Karen that i think they may be throwing them at each other too! Lovely idea
This is wonderful, and I must admit I'd rather play this game than deal with the 24+ inches of snow we have here! I'm ready for a break.
I was there when Valerie & Presley opened it--they loved it! They immediately played a quick game and fortunately, it was a tie! Such a cute and clever idea! You da' bomb! xo
I love this!! What a wonderful idea...How many did you make and how big are the snowballs? Thanks so much.
This is such a cute idea Deb, I love the snowballs! :)
Ok as per always the pictures are great but its even better--(if that is possible) in person! The kids LOVE it!!! The snowballs are so SOFT--but they still FLY across the room and the great thing is they can't break anything! Super fun, super cute--dude you should market this one!!!!
What an adorable idea! I would gladly have that kind of snowball fight :) We never see snow either, I miss the days when we lived near Lake Tahoe but it was also 83 the other day when friends in MN were in the middle of a blizzard, so not too bad!
Oh, how CUTE!! That's just wonderful!! Clever, clever you - and kudos on beating Doug in the test game! xx
Very creative. This would be a lot of fun for little ones, and nothing would break or get wet!
there was snow in the southern states of Australia today, but this is a fantastic idea for those of us who have no chance of seeing snow in the warmer climes! fantastic!
very cute idea!
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