Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt - Round 1

For the fifth summer in a row, I am participating in Rinda' s Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt. In previous years I have found that a road trip is the perfect opportunity to check off a few items on the list of 21 things to find and photograph.

Our road trip to California provided said opportunities, and today I have six photos to share with you.

#6 - a metal bridge

#9 - a tent
Seen in Disneyland while waiting in line for Autopia. I am hoping to photograph a real tent at some point this summer, but at least I have this photo as a backup if a camping trip does not materialize in the next three months.

#12 - a public restroom, bathroom, or toilet
I've been known to photograph wallpaper in a public restroom because I loved the pattern and was inspired to remember the design for future doodling. So when I saw this tile floor in a restroom in Disneyland I thought about photographing it for future reference for a tiled bathroom floor. And OOH! It's one of the items on Rinda's list so I snapped a photo.

#13 - a merry-go-round or carousel
Seen in California Adventure.

#17 - at least two people wearing matching outfits or uniforms
When we entered Disneyland, I was surprised to see people standing in lines just to get a photograph with a Disney character. The line for Mickey was super long, as were the lines for Cinderella and Goofy. When I saw these two headed toward me I was so excited to see them available for a photo. "Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum! I love you guys!" I said. "Can I get a picture with you two?" They giggled and said, "Sure" as I continued, "And there's not even a line!"

Carrie snapped the photo and as we walked away she admonished, "Mother. You do know those aren't actual Disney characters, right?" eh-hm. Turns out they were two other park guests who came dressed in costume for the day. ~sigh~ and oops. Anyway, even though I didn't snap the photo myself, it was surely my idea (for better or worse) so I'm using this one for #17.

#19 - a ticket booth
Entering the park at Disneyland. Best day ever.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Six photos down, 15 to go...
You can read more about Rinda's scavenger hunt by clicking here.


scrappyjacky said...

Love that carousel.

Ruth said...

Haha, I laughed out loud at the story behind #17! Great job!

alexa said...

Just loving that happy photo of you, however it came about! Brilliant choices for the scavenger hunt - you are off to a great start.

Maria Ontiveros said...

These are all great! I'm really happy with how the list is playing out this year.

Karen said...

What a perfect place to start the scavenger hunt! Great photo of you with the girls in the uniform!

Susi said...

Nice finds! I've barely had time to look over the list.

Lady Ella said...

A flying start! All super and hey, as those girls no doubt realised, you can't go to Disney dressed like that then be surprised if people think you're somehow integral to the action. Nice find!

Anonymous said...

LOL - love the story of Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee and you. You've got a great group of pictures there!

Karen said...

That was a great place to start the scavenger hunt. Love that carousel!

Melissa said...

I agree, road trips are great for finding items on the list! Great shots & such a FUN story about the two matching outfits!

Beverly said...

Love that tile floor and the merry go round and I love any pic that has your smiling face in it ;)

Maggie said...

That is a lovely carousel and I love the bridge picture in particular.

BJ said...

WOW some great photos there for round 1, BJ

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a great start. Love the Tweedle shot. So cute!

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