Happy new week, blog friends!
Do you ever have one of those days when you have a whole lot to say but really just want to keep your mouth shut? No? It's very rare for me, but I kind of feel that way this morning. A month or so ago I noticed a sprout shooting up in the middle of my flower garden. It didn't look like a typical weed, so Doug and I agreed that we'd let it grow and see what it turned into. A couple of days ago we woke up to a beautiful white flower. I was so excited and headed outside to take a whole bunch of photos. {Of course.} I posted it on Instagram to see if anyone could identify it, and several thought it might be Morning Glory. Turns out that it's Datura, also known as Jimsonweed, also known as Devil's Trumpet, also known as poisonous. WHAT?! Thanks to my friend, Sam, for the info. Pretty on the outside, wicked on the inside...shame.
Friday night we tried a new-to-us Mexican restaurant for Friday night date night, and Carrie & Andrew joined us to celebrate his recent work promotion. It was fun to sit with them and share a meal, and this is the only photo I took that night:
Really yummy chips and salsa spread. And the house margarita was really small and warranted a second.
Saturday I attended the final day of my hospice volunteer training...
The photo above was taken at the end of an activity we did and I just couldn't even...I still can't... It was a day full of emotional subject matter and conversation. By the end of the day I was simply spent and as I was driving home I took a detour and ended up at Whole Foods for a salad, glass of wine, and a little retail therapy.
Doug worked both days this weekend, working for a client who just purchased a house and wants it painted before their furniture is moved in later this week. Left to my own devices yesterday, I moved a whole bunch of things around on our walls - pictures and what-nots and small shelves that landed in places when we moved in and that I have been wanting to rearrange for a while. So yesterday was about pounding nails and folding laundry and making cookie dough to replenish our freezer supply.
And just like that, it's Monday morning. I love my new work schedule and not working on Friday's, but that in itself presents a few challenges that I'm sorting out in my mind this morning. Time to click the "publish" button and get this show on the road.
But first, yoga...
I'm thinking there must be a lot of emotional things involved in hospice volunteering and I so admire you for signing up for it.
No wonder you needed a 'medicinal' glass of wine before you ventured home.
I cannot imagine what feelings can be brought up in your hospice training, so many of us do not about death of loved ones. Be tender with yourself, you are just starting out on this journey ...
What a beautiful treat that Datura is. We know it as Angel's Trumpet. In many parts of Canada it is a banned plant because of the seeds that "kids" smoke / eat to get high but can cause a swift death. I do believe if left to its self, it will multiply.
A little wine, a little sweet treat & some shopping for plants, I say a perfect way to take care of yourself.
Sunflowers and chocolate! I love it, Deb. SO proud of you doing the training!
Wishing you all the best with your week and cheering you on as you process everything thrown up by that training
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