Monday, September 21, 2015

Weekend at the new house

Oh hey there, blog friends.
Phew. If my mind accidentally forgot what I did this weekend, my body would remind me. Lots of physical work for both of us, but I'm pretty sure Doug isn't feeling it the way I am. Yoga lets me feel really strong in my body, but there's no yoga pose that matches shoveling...

That's going to be our new turtle habitat. It started out as a crummy looking flowerbed, filled with rocks and sticks and lots of carpenter nails from past construction. I worked on this area Saturday and Sunday morning for a while, loosening the ground (with Doug's help) and sifting through the dirt - slowly clearing it out for our shelled friends. I do hope they appreciate this!

I worked in the dirt until it got too hot for me, then there was plenty to do inside. It might seem silly, but I really do love listening to Doug's paint-job-radio while I work over there. There's something nostalgic and basic that is just kind of fun. :o)

The original color I chose from the tiny little paint card felt too dark, so Doug got a lighter sample and we both like it much better. I'm about 25% nervous about having him paint the cabinets this color, and 75% excited. I hope I love it. I think I will.

Our tile floors were scheduled to start going in on Thursday of this week, but the job got moved up to today, so there was a lot to clear from our floor space to get ready for this morning.

Doug is juggling working at our new house with his regular work for clients. He had cabinets to paint for a job he's working on, plus our cabinets, so he combined work with play(?) and painted both this weekend. {Our bathroom cabinets are going white.}

In all my life I have never seen anyone who works as hard as Doug. The push is on this week to put the finishing touches on so we can move in next weekend. Doug hasn't had a full day off in a few weeks now and I worry that he'll overdo it. This must be how he is so strong {swoon} and doesn't have sore muscles after working in dirt and scrubbing cabinets. ~sigh~ Anyway, sending little prayers for Doug today as he deals with a few different trades, plus a client who really wants her cabinets done.

That sliding glass door in the photo above is going to magically turn into French doors by the end of this week.

We got the keys to this house five weeks ago today. The transformation has been incredible, all thanks to Doug! And it was really fun yesterday to be able to take all the masking paper off the kitchen countertops and to actually clean the space where I'll soon be preparing meals. I took some fruit over for Doug to have this week {the pantry is stocked with not-so-healthy fare}.

And then there's Lucky the dog, footloose and fancy free.

This week...well...I'm trying to wrap my head around all the stuff we're taking on, while also trying not to be in my head too much about it. There's a whole lot of stuff to be done and I know that the important things will fall into place. I also know that we'll roll with the things that don't get done, or maybe don't get done in the way I really hope they'd be done. ;o) It's all about rolling with the flow at this point.

And while I'm rolling with the flow of the new house remodel and upcoming move this weekend - plus a week off work next week with possibly no internet - this little blog space will be on a little break. I decided to cut myself some slack and not have blog-post-planning be on my list of things to do in the next couple of weeks.

I'll catch you on the flipside, my friends.
And if you're good with a shovel, come on over next weekend...


This West London Life said...

It's really very exciting for you both, isn't it?! I'm sure everything will fall into place and the move in next week will be smooth. See you on the other side! x

debs14 said...

When we moved into this house the kitchen had dark wood doors and I didn't like them so I painted them a very similar colour to that which you've chosen. It was quite a big decision to make but we kept them that colour for quite a few years. I loved them but I'm not sure I was as quick at painting them as Doug is with yours! Amazing how much you've done already - can't wait to have a guided tour once you're in for real!

Susi said...

Love the cabinet color. I can never commit to color so everything remains neutral here. Excited to see your new home all put together. Enjoy you move.

Audrey said...

Oooh, so exciting, Deb!!! I just painted my master bath cabinets a light green shade earlier in the Summer (well, I paid someone else to paint them) and it's so awesome. Everyone who sees it immediately declares they will paint some cabinets a cool color. I cannot wait to see yours and I just know you're going to love them. And how excited am I about the turtle habitat??? VERY, VERY. I can't wait to hear how they like it. I'm pretty decent with a shovel and only wish I could come help out!!!!

alexa said...

Hoping it all goes well for you both - you both work soooo hard! It is going to be lovely ... and look forward to seeing you whenever it is that you can find your way back xx.

Karen said...

Exciting progress! I'd be there with a shovel if only I could!

Barbara Eads said...

I'm so excited to see your home tour after you move in. Everything is looking so good!! Can't wait!

Patio Postcards said...

Lucky shell friends getting such a lovely new home. I am excited to see your kitchen when done - such a lovely colour. Sending lots of positive energy & happy thoughts to you for a smooth move ...

Anonymous said...

It's all looking really good. Hope you can both start to slow down a bit soon and take it a bit easier x

Anonymous said...

It's a gorgeous looking colour Deb. Hope all went as planned with no snags and looking forward to your return so we can hear all about it.

Beverly said...

Catching up so hoping I see the finished cabinets in a few posts!! Love the color!!!

Anonymous said...

I must say that the lighter color is going to open up that kitchen beautifully. You have a lot of natural light from the looks in the photos so it is going to be a great decision. I know you claimed some amount of nervousness but Doug does such a nice job you can trust your judgement.

Margaret @ Boston North Shore Real Estate

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