Monday, April 23, 2012

A little bit of a weekend post

What the heck? A new blogger format? On a Monday morning?

Just logged in to slam-dunk a weekend recap post and find that the formatting is all different. In my current hurried state of mind, it could have just put me right over the edge but..."I have the ability to decide ahead of time how anything will affect me."

I took three Instagram photos this past weekend. Three. We didn't do our usual Friday night dinner out, instead we ordered a pizza and watched a movie on Netflix. Hey, have you seen Midnight Cowboy? Strange but artistically cool movie. It won three academy awards in 1969 and was the only X rated movie to ever win an Oscar. It's rated R by today's standards, but it was a good view.

My little Fancy cat is a bit under the weather. I had to take a break from the action on Saturday and take her to the vet who {for a change} took a conservative approach and didn't give her medicine for her crazy sneezing. She's still sneezing this morning, and I'm stressing because we are leaving for California on Thursday. So, get better now Fancy!!! {Please!}

Our little shelled friend is doing well. We've had him for a full week now and I must say, I hadn't even thought about how attached I'd be to him. Rex is a really cool pet. And, as evidenced by the photo above, he's really warming up to me. Cantaloupe is his favorite food, and I use it to coax him out of hiding. Works every time. :o)

So, yeah, our weekend: Doug worked both days painting the office of my new job. :o) He painted some main walls in the building, and he painted my office and WOW what an improvement. It needed it badly! Now we have three work days to jam a lot of stuff into before we head to Cali to celebrate my mom's birthday with friends and family. We are SO excited about that!

In my head I am feeling rushed and stressed. I get these daily emails from The Universe and here's what it said this morning: "Do you ever wonder where all those glorious seconds, minutes, and hours go that recently poured through your fingers on an idle weekend or a cool evening, when suddenly you feel like you're racing the clock on some crazed, hurried weekday? Nowhere. They're still there, Deb, lazing around. They just look different when you focus upon what you haven't done, instead of what you have done. You're way ahead of schedule, Deb. Your output is legendary, The Universe"

Have a great week, everyone!!!


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